If the COVID-19 pandemic has a bright side, maybe it’s that we can be heroes?

We’ve learned a lot about ourselves, our government, and our country in this crisis. Maybe we shouldn’t go back to the way things were before the pandemic.

Erik Blair
4 min readApr 27, 2020


Image Credit Pexels.com

Many have noticed all the good people that are doing amazing things right now. Ordinary people going out of their way to do random acts of kindness. Some of you might have noticed how many employers, landlords, businesses, and organizations are pitching in and doing the right thing… offering free services, donating money, goods, services, and food to those in need. Musicians, content creators, and artists sharing their talents with the world for free. Neighbors coming together to help each other, people pitching in to help the elderly in need, the public recognizing that the real essential people are store clerks, delivery drivers, medical professionals, emergency service professionals, and all manner of regular people doing their jobs to serve others. People sharing their thanks for all the people they used to take for granted. There certainly is a lot of good going around that probably should have been going around long before the pandemic.

Right now, there are a lot of people out there in the world who are taking time out of their…

